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Note (23rd March, 2010): For Business Visa, Embassy of Singapore has implemented today itself that the form V39A is strictly mandatory.
Application For as e-Visa to Enter Singapore
Note: With effect from 1st April 2009, the Singapore High Commission no longer accepts individual walk-in applications. All applications would be submitted via a new electronic visa (e-Visa) application system that allows visas to be processed online. Applications must be submitted to any of the Authorised Agents. Applicants, whose application has been approved, can have the e-Visa printed online by the trusted partners.
Visa Application Forms:
All visa applicants are required to complete the visa application form 14A in full i.e. all columns and blank spaces to be completed.
The visa application forms are available free of charge.
Submission of documents:
You can apply for your visa through any of the Authorised Agents.
Visa applications will be accepted only when all of the following documents are in order:
A valid passport with at least six months validity on the date of departure from Singapore . If the applicant is holding any old passport, it is mandatory now to enclose the same.
One visa form 14A duly completed and signed by the applicant;
Two recent coloured passport size photographs adhered to the form (35 mm wide by 45 mm high without border and taken within the last 3 months; taken full face without headgear, unless the applicant habitually wears a headgear in accordance with his/her religious or racial custom but the headgear must not hide the applicant's features. The facial image must be between 25 mm and 35 mm from chin to crown; taken against a plain white background with matt or semi-matt finish.) Please note that scanned or unclear photographs will not be accepted and kindly ensure that your form is properly completed. Any incomplete submission or false declaration will result in the application being rejecte
A Covering letter from the Applicant.
Leave letter from the company;
If the applicant is residing on any other address as mentioned on the passport, than residential proof copy is required.
Confirmed onward / return air ticket.
Visa is valid from three months or upto two years at the discretion of the High Commission.
Processing time is 2 working days.
Visa Fees:
The visa processing fee for each application is S$30. Visa processing fees are paid upon application of visas. The online payment mode accepts Master/ Visa, Debit/ Credit cards only. The processing fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application or if you withdraw the application after submission.
Service Standard on Processing Time:
One working day (excluding the day of submission)
Important Notes:
Every application will be considered on its own merits. Possession of a visa does not guarantee entry into Singapore . Visitors must also meet entry requirements such as holding a valid passport, sufficient funds for the period of stay in Singapore and confirmed onward/return air ticket.

A valid passport with at least six months validity on the date of departure from Singapore . If the applicant is holding any old passport, it is mandatory now to enclose the same.
One visa form 14A duly completed and signed by the applicant;
Two recent coloured passport size photographs adhered to the form (35 mm wide by 45 mm high without border and taken within the last 3 months; taken full face without headgear, unless the applicant habitually wears a headgear in accordance with his/her religious or racial custom but the headgear must not hide the applicant's features. The facial image must be between 25 mm and 35 mm from chin to crown; taken against a plain white background with matt or semi-matt finish.) Please note that scanned or unclear photographs will not be accepted and kindly ensure that your form is properly completed. Any incomplete submission or false declaration will result in the application being rejected.
A Covering letter from the Company / Organization stating the designation and current profile of the Applicant in the Indian Company and the purpose of the visit.
Inviting company in Singapore needs to complete the form V39A, it is a mandatory requirement.
If the applicant is residing on any other address as mentioned on the passport, than residential proof copy is required.
Confirmed onward / return air ticket.
Visa is valid from three months or upto two years at the discretion of the High Commission.
Processing time is 3 working days.
Service Standard on Processing Time:
One working day (excluding the day of submission)
Important Notes:
Every application will be considered on its own merits. Possession of a visa does not guarantee entry into Singapore . Visitors must also meet entry requirements such as holding a valid passport, sufficient funds for the period of stay in Singapore and confirmed onward/return air ticket. |